Hillary’s Running Mate

Now that Hillary Clinton has made history as the Democratic party nominee for POTUS, the next big question might be who will she choose as her running mate for Vice President.

I’m sure that many people think it should be her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders.  Bernie brought a lot to this election’s process, and many of his ideas should most definitely be part of the Dem platform if the establishment Democrats want to gain Sanders’ supporters votes.

There are quite a few liberal/progressive voters who wished that Elizabeth Warren had mounted a presidential campaign this year. The fact that she declined to do so and also in the past few days has come out to challenge Trump on social media shows that she is totally in tune with the current political climate. She will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in the future US political area.

So what choices does that leave Hillary as a VP running mate?

Trump has so alienated Latinos and Muslims that I don’t think Clinton really has to worry much about those voting blocks. Remarkably, the mainstream media has not made much of the fact that Trump’s philosophy is totally misogynist and anti women’s rights.

What Ms. Clinton does need is support from old-school Democrats and that all important voting block of aging, white males, including The Greatest Generation, Boomers, X-Gens, and Millenials.

Considering that, who could Hillary Clinton better turn to as a running mate than our current VP, Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is a person who has proven his loyalty to the cause, is of the age of the majority of likely voters in this election, and most importantly, has demonstrated that not only does he understand the issues that Boomers are dealing with, he has and continues to be personally dealing with those issues that most concern the majority of likely voters this year.

No matter your political persuasion, this brings into consideration that Joe Biden is a well-known and respected person in the international political arena and this puts the USA in a huge advantage for future negotiations and international trade pacts.

Give Joe the job!