Web hosts counter pollution with green power

I just read that, if things continue the way they have been, the web hosting industry will be a bigger polluter than the entire airline industry by the year 2020. If you have a blog or website, I hope you’re using a green host like GreenGeeks.com or Hostgator.com, and not supporting that Daddy guy just because he’s cheap.

Electricity-generating wind turbines in wheat field near Condon, Oregon. (Greg Vaughn/© Greg Vaughn)

Here’s a New York Times story about the problem: http://nyti.ms/Rgujuu . And here is Hostgator’s statement on what they’re doing: http://www.hostgator.com/green-web-hosting . And GreenGeeks: http://www.greengeeks.com/about/how-is-greengeeks-green.php .